Experiences from the lab

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
— Helen Keller

Wishing everyone, Happy Holidays!


“Dr. Mueller establishes an extremely positive atmosphere at the Pharmacogenetics Research Clinic. I have always experienced Dr. Mueller as being very accessible for his trainees and responsive to requests at short notice. He expresses high levels of loyalty toward his trainees and has repeatedly shown outstanding skills in managing challenging situations. The Pharmacogenetics Research Clinic fosters each of students' interests and skills and undertakes enormous efforts to maximize the individual successes of its trainees.”

— Postdoctoral Fellow

 “Dr. Muller is an invested and hardworking mentor. His strengths include being very organized, meticulous and detail-oriented… Overall, the Pharmacogenetics Research Clinic provides structure, yet simultaneously allows us to develop on our own scientific skills. Dr. Mueller demonstrates many outstanding qualities that allow students to advance their scientific development and be productive in their careers. He has a very social and outgoing personality, which helps students to feel continuously engaged.”

— Graduate Student


“Dr. Mueller has proven himself to be a distinctive mentor and role model in the time that I have worked with him. He is very patient in teaching new students about scientific curiosities as well as drafting manuscripts. His teaching methods are effective in producing high quality papers as he actively participates and is very integrated into our writing process; often making comments and offering clarifications on the direction of the manuscript… The team of the Pharmacogenetics Research Clinic has provided substantial networking opportunities for students by encouraging attendances at poster sessions, conferences, meetings, lab outings and holiday socials.

— Graduate Student

 “Dr. Mueller is a remarkable leader. He always happily made the time in his busy schedule for his employees and arranged weekly meetings to direct and discuss the progress of multiple projects. He encouraged everyone’s participation and to communicate their ideas in all discussions. Dr. Mueller equally involved each member of the Pharmacogenetics Research Clinic regardless of experience, which cultivated the team atmosphere. He helped sharpen my critical thinking skills by discussing peer reviewed papers. Through regular meetings he gave me feedback and constructive comments on how to better myself as a researcher which helped me progress as both a student and employee.”

— Co-op Student


“Dr. Mueller was an excellent supervisor and advisor. From the time I first approached him, he went out of his way to help me to better define my research interests and develop into a useful member of his lab. Later on, he helped me realize my interest in clinical practice as well by allowing me to shadow him at his practice. I am now a second-year medical student, and Dr. Mueller deserves credit for helping me get there.”

— Undergraduate Student