Meet our team


Celeste Agard, MSc

Research Analyst

Celeste is a Research Analyst at the Pharmacogenetics Research Clinic working on clinical trials investigating biomarkers of response and non-response to treatment with first line antidepressants in Major Depressive Disorder, and measuring the effects of oral probiotics on symptoms of depression and anxiety. Her areas of expertise include performing neurophysiological testing such as transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalography, as well as clinical and cognitive assessments, being proficient in the administration and scoring of the following: HRDS-17, HRDS-24, MADRS, YMRS, SSI, MoCA, TOPF, SCWT. Celeste has a Masters of Science in the Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health through the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London.

Celeste’s Projects

Biomarkers for Antidepressant Response


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